Thursday, October 21, 2010

Book Talk

For today's blog I will discuss an interesting change in how the library now approaches students.

I'm not sure if this is a state-wide focus or just a Gilbert Public School district thing, but the school I am interning with puts an enormous amount of attention towards reading. Every day the school shuts for 20 minutes and everyone reads. The children are expected to set goals as to how much they read each quarter (every student has their own personal goal). So when I heard that the librarian was going to come in and do a "book talk" I wasn't really too surprised.

5 minutes into his talk a few thoughts occurred to me. 1) The librarian is using technology that would have never been in a class room a few years ago. 2) The covers for youth literature looks cool! The youth fiction cover art I remember weas always these odd looking hand drawn or what looked like water color pictures and always in pastels!

It was an interesting "book talk."

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