Sunday, September 19, 2010

AVID Training

This last Saturday I spent the better part of the day sitting in a stuffy room getting trained in AVID tutoring techniques! A portion of my internship will involve tutoring students who are borderline honors level students and need some extra help in becoming an honor student. The AVID Program, which stands from Advancement Via Individual Determination is a tutoring program initially developed for inner-city kids.

The intended length of the training is right around 16 hours but thankfully our instructors shortened the training to 8 hrs, which is still a long time to be sitting in a room but better than 16 hours. The training gave me some useful tips and information that I hope to implement in the classroom throughout my internship.


  1. I've never heard of the AVID program but it sounds very interesting. Glad to hear you survived the long training. I look forward to doing this class with you and hearing more about your experiences.

  2. Thanks Steven, I'll be sure to keep you posted about the classroom jungle.
