Sunday, September 12, 2010


So, a requirement for teaching that I was unaware of and I think most people are unaware of is fingerprinting. I am not sure if this is a national mandate or a specific requirement for Arizona schools. So, before I could start teaching I had to get my fingerprints!

The process as a whole is pretty much what you expect. The place where I went to get my fingerprints was located in a cramped slightly worn down strip mall a few blocks away from downtown Gilbert. The ladies inside were nice and the entire process took no longer then 45 minutes, most of it was just waiting for my turn.

The only advice I can give to my fellow students concerning getting their fingerprints is: Don't have them done in jail and bring baby wipes.

1 comment:

  1. I believe we get fingerprinted for any government job, including internships. Someone should tell high school students why it's so important that they don't get into trouble. It can ruin their chances of getting the jobs they want. Even a misdemeanor DUI or assault can close doors leading to opportunity.

    Many jobs require a polygraph as well, and they will question you about drug use. so even if you haven't been convicted of a drug crime, if the polygraph shows that you smoked pot, you won't be able to work for the FBI or CIA. Even misdemeanors can keep people out of military service, particularly the marines.

    Of course, society doesn't want dangerous or untrustworthy people in the schools, and that's why they fingerprinted you. Good job in getting clearance, and may all your doors remain open!
