Sunday, September 19, 2010

Department Meeting

In addition to tutoring with the AVID program I will be working with the English department aiding teachers in the classroom with ESL students. One of my first visits to the school as an intern involved attending the department meeting for the 7th and 8th grade English teachers.

The meeting was interesting to an extent. They largely covered what most children experience their first few days of class; what is expected of them along with a review of the rules and regulations of the school. Teachers were assigned bus duties and discussed new regulations for the upcoming school year.

Overall it was interesting to see the other, out of class side of being a middle school teacher, but one department meeting is more than enough for me.


  1. I so know what you mean about department meetings. Sometimes they seem to serve no purpose or even convey any information. They just seem to be held for the sake of routine, rather than for effectiveness or purpose.

  2. I hate meetings. My job has meetings all the time and most of that time I am looking for a window to jump out of. I cannot stand it when someone speaks just so they can hear themselves talk. Ian, are you looking at teaching as a profession? I give teachers a lot of credit. They do mold our children for the future.

  3. Hi Tahays, I am considering teaching abroad this upcoming summer. I figured, interning with a school would help me gain some in class experience.
