Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The JET Program

This last week I sent in my application to the Japanese embassy in D.C. to apply for the JET Program. The JET Program is an English teaching exchange program run by the Japanese government.

Part of the reason why I choose to assist middle school English teachers throughout this semester was to gain teaching experience. The JET application process is notoriously competitive and every extra bit of experience helps.

The contract periods are one year long. If I am to be selected to participate in this program I would pretty much be spending the next year of my life in Japan. So long as you are in good standing with your school you are able to resign your contract up to four years. In general, the main goal of the JET Program is to not only teach English to Japanese student, but to share American culture with them. With that being said, they typically do not post you in highly urbanized areas, rather more suburban or more rural areas of Japan.

I am really excited; I have wanted to be a part of this program for a long time. I won't find out the results of the application and interview process until early April, otherwise I would post the results on the blog.


  1. good luck! be patient! (haha although I'm sure that is hard to do)

  2. Hello Ian,
    Congratulations on applying for the JET program, it would be an amazing experience if you go to Japan. Do you speak Japanese?, I am sure you will love the cultural experience!

  3. Sounds like a great opportunity. I'm wondering, does this program require any fluency in Japanese? Or do you need to take Japanese courses once you are there? Good Luck!
